Why functional programming ?

As functional programming has gained some traction recently more and more people talk and advocate about it, which is really awesome ! But others stays quite skeptical and asks what is the thing about it. After all, functional programming have been there for a while and nobody cares… But now things have changed and I try to explain and develop in this article why we really need functional programming (and other things) right now.

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Lancement des Workshops Ionic

Bonjour à tous, aujourd’hui je vous annonce le lancement d’un nouveau type de meetup : le collaborative-coding-workshop 😀 L’idée est de se réunir autour d’une table avec un PC et un rétroprojecteur et de coder ensemble une application ou une fonctionnalité. L’objectif est de passer un bon moment ensemble et d’apprendre de nouvelles choses en étant…

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